
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2019

Better than humans

Because I spent 4-5 weeks resting after my surgery I saw a loooooot of series and I'd like to recommend two of them: The Alienist but I don't want to talk about it because I don't want to spoil it, just watch it trust me. And the one I will talk about: Better than us (or better than humans). It's a Russian series that takes place in 2029 and it's about Arisa, a special kind of android that doesn't have a good relationship with the 3 laws of robotic of Asimov: basically not killing or injuring humans. Androids are in charge of many jobs, they can be companions, babysitters, some even can perform surgeries,  and there's 2 opinions about them. Some people seem to like them and they accept them and carry on their lifes using them as allies, and there's a group of people that despise them and would do anything to stop the androids from taking over their jobs (liquidators). The main android Arisa, was designed to be a wife, a mother and a protector. She manage

Plans for the break and the 18

When I was little I liked the fondas because I came back to my house with my arms full of plushies after playing every typical game I could. Who am I kidding, I still do the same and come back to my house with at least 5 new stuffed animals every year except this one. I like asados (sorry guys) so I enjoy this time of the year. I was on a break already since August 20th because of my surgery so I didn't have much plans for this year, I was using one crutch finally instead of two! so I could be more helpful finally. I usually travel to see my parents and also celebrate my birthday with them (best excuse to get plane tickets) but this year I couldn't really move so I had to stay in Santiago. For this year, my boyfriend and I prepared a bit too late for the 18 and the typical asado, because we went to the supermarket the one day before and it was very very crowded. Luckily we got everything we wanted starting with lots of artisanal beers I've never tried before. I also bought

Saltos del laja

It isn't a beach but a waterfall, located in Laja river. I went there in January 2010 before the earthquake, lucky me. I went there with my classmates when we had the typical journey you make when you're about to leave school. We traveled from the north to the south of the country for almost an entire month, we started right after new years I think, and came back in 25-30 days. Picture 30 teenagers living together, eating and sleeping together in rural schools or just inside the bus traveling through the country during summer. I thought we would end up killing each other from seeing our faces everyday but actually we bonded up more and became this huge dysfunctional family that survived in a bus an entire month. Now back to the waterfall, the memory I have about it is: the water wasn't so high so we started walking inside the river and it felt and looked like we were walking on the water. We all became Jesus that day! We ate roasted meat, kinda got sunburnt, thank god I did

A job I'd like to have in the future

When I was a around 12 years old I loved to play a game called Caesar 3, it is a strategy game where you are a Roman governor and you have to build up Roman cities, so I've wanted to be an architecture since then (I started studying engeneering first because I ignored this idea but that's another story). This idea of urbanization that meets every criteria the people need to live a "happy and full life" has haunted me ever since (in a good way). Of course working for a city isn't as easy as playing a game in a computer, so my ideal job would involve working for a municipality and trying to help in every way I can to fulfill people needs, for example someone that has trouble in their homes (construction related) or accesing the minimum education, culture or even green areas. Another job I also like a lot because my mom is a dressmaker, is working in fashion design. The thought has always been there but I never have taken myself seriously about it so maybe if I'm

Greatest Chilean of all time

I'm sure there's lots of people that have made a larger impact than him, but un my opinion, I think Gato Alquinta is one of the greatest Chilean of all time, famous musician and vocalist of the band Los Jaivas, a voice of a generation that suffered the most in our country around the time it was born even though they had to leave the country. He was born in Valparaiso in 1945, and started getting involved in music at twelve. When he was in school he met Claudio Parra and Mario Mutis, and later in college (1963) they would form "The high & bass", a band that played tropical music. In 1969 he realized that the style they played wasn's the direction he wanted it to go to, so they changed their style to a mix between psydelic rock and latinoamerican folklore,  and also changed the name to Los Jaivas, one of the most -if not the most- important bands of this country. Music was the way he expressed himself through, his voice and music talent was amazing and I think w


First thing that came to my mind was a big celebration in 2011. One of my cousins got married and I got to meet part of my family I never saw in my entire life. She's the daughter of my father's sister, and the marriage and party were held in my grandmother's brother house in Paine. His house is huge so we were like 100 to 150 people, all blood related (except for the husbands family of course) and I have never seen like 130?? of them before.  I "re-met" an aunt I was told I met when I was 2 or 3 years old so I "wouldn't remember her" but the thing is, I remember being little,  my dad was telling me that I shouldn't cry because I would wake up/scare my aunt. Turns out that's one of my earliest and spot on memories. My dad confirmed it and though my aunt didn't believe me, we spent the rest of the day drinking coffee and she started introducing me family I didn't know, and made a tour around the house saying hi to everyone "Hello