A job I'd like to have in the future

When I was a around 12 years old I loved to play a game called Caesar 3, it is a strategy game where you are a Roman governor and you have to build up Roman cities, so I've wanted to be an architecture since then (I started studying engeneering first because I ignored this idea but that's another story). This idea of urbanization that meets every criteria the people need to live a "happy and full life" has haunted me ever since (in a good way). Of course working for a city isn't as easy as playing a game in a computer, so my ideal job would involve working for a municipality and trying to help in every way I can to fulfill people needs, for example someone that has trouble in their homes (construction related) or accesing the minimum education, culture or even green areas. Another job I also like a lot because my mom is a dressmaker, is working in fashion design. The thought has always been there but I never have taken myself seriously about it so maybe if I'm able to work as an architect in the future, I will try and make my own atelier and design my own clothing line or make ateliers for another designers. Synthezising, for both of them I need lots of creativity flowing in my brain and also technical knowledge about construction of buildings and clothing. I'd love to work the 2 together if possible because they are things i've enjoyed since I was a kid.


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