Plans for the break and the 18

When I was little I liked the fondas because I came back to my house with my arms full of plushies after playing every typical game I could. Who am I kidding, I still do the same and come back to my house with at least 5 new stuffed animals every year except this one. I like asados (sorry guys) so I enjoy this time of the year.
I was on a break already since August 20th because of my surgery so I didn't have much plans for this year, I was using one crutch finally instead of two! so I could be more helpful finally. I usually travel to see my parents and also celebrate my birthday with them (best excuse to get plane tickets) but this year I couldn't really move so I had to stay in Santiago. For this year, my boyfriend and I prepared a bit too late for the 18 and the typical asado, because we went to the supermarket the one day before and it was very very crowded. Luckily we got everything we wanted starting with lots of artisanal beers I've never tried before. I also bought an inflatable ball that has nothing to do with celebrations but I needed it for excercising and recovery so I wasn't only drinking and eating no no! For the 19th I watched the national parade on TV because I wanted to see puppies and when I turned it on there they were! puppies make everyone happy right? I was feeling a bit tired so I took and nap and was suddenly woken up by a marching band. Turns out the parade walked outside my apartment after the national thing on TV. I was thankful I was able to see it so close but I had no idea they were going to be outside and it took my by surprise. They didn't bring the puppies so 8/10, bring the puppies next year and I'll give you 10 stars!


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